Our greatest tool is our imagination.
Our ability to see the world not as it appears to be,
but as it has the potential to become.
– hope koppelman
Our greatest tool is our imagination.
Our ability to see the world not as it appears to be,
but as it has the potential to become.
– hope koppelman
Uncertainty is the very essence of creativity.
It’s where magic, possibility, and discovery exist.
It’s where anything can happen—our potential is limitless.
– hope koppelman
While most people are turning away from the Self,
afraid of what they might find,
an artist is one who is willing to turn toward the Self,
as one turns toward the Sun—
open, empty, poised to receive.
– hope koppelman
A writer’s job is to explore the tiniest of details
and discover the great, big, wild truths therein.
– hope koppelman
We cannot measure our success solely by the work that we create;
we must also consider what the work is creating within us.
– hope koppelman
Art is one of the most powerful
and effective tools we have
to transform the world,
because of how quickly it can
lead us from darkness to light,
from confusion to clarity,
from ugliness to beauty,
from pain to healing.
– hope koppelman
When we look back at our lives,
at all we have been through,
we want to be able to say,
I took everything life gave me,
even the darkest days,
and made something beautiful.
– hope koppelman
The greatest things in life
seem impossible to understand,
and they are
through our human capacity,
but art gives us the tools
to explore them deeper.
Art explores
into the unknown,
into the unseen,
into the mystery,
and it brings back
of the divine.
– hope koppelman
Talking about the things we love does nothing for us;
we must put our energy into loving.
Same for talking about the things we want to do,
we must put our energy into doing.
– hope koppelman
At the end of the day,
when all is said and done,
our greatest work of art
will always be
the life that we create.
– hope koppelman
Writing is an unfolding, it opens the world up to us,
like a flower, petal by petal, slowly revealing
the center of the thing we are writing about—the real heart of it.
This unfolding is how we make sense of the world we live in.
It’s how we learn from it. It’s how we bear witness to its beauty.
– hope koppelman
We are not responsible for changing the world.
We are responsible for changing ourselves,
and in that process we change the world around us.
– hope koppelman
Every time
we are faced with uncertainty,
it is an opportunity
to explore our faith
and come away from it
with a deeper understanding
of who we are.
– hope koppelman
We are co-creators with inspiration.
Just as we need it, it needs us;
and the more often we call on it,
the more often it will be there for us.
– hope koppelman
Rediscovery takes place
every time we show up to create,
and there isn’t a topic in the world
that we can’t write about
or photograph or paint,
and through the process,
discover more than we know now.
– hope koppelman
With practice,
we learn to embrace
the unknown
and cherish it,
because it is continually
offering us more.
More to believe in,
more to hope for,
more to imagine,
more to explore.
– hope koppelman
What we find, over time,
is that every change in the routine,
every unexpected detour in the road,
every setback, every tragedy, every failure,
adds to our resilience.
– hope koppelman
We are all artists.
We are all contributing
in different ways
to the same mosaic of life.
– Hope Koppelman